Thursday, September 20, 2012

Mi hijo se hace de futbol now!!!!

We are done soccer whoot whoot.

Justin didn't really care as their team did not do that well but he is going to miss two of the boys at least one goes to his school and they are friends there as well.  They couldn't find a coach for next week as their is going away on business to BC and you have to have someone that has gone through all the criminal and child abuse checks with their coaches license to be a stand in coach (happy they stick to that).  We all thanked the coach and he so LOVINGLY gave pixie stix... like about 10 to each player haha thank you coach Joe for my son just falling asleep 20 minutes ago.

Justin had his first track meet today and has one next week as well.  And his first 2 days off Friday and Monday... this school division really gives TOO many days off in a year.  I swear he is off all the time.  

And in other news apparently Justin can take more than one 4H project.  I can teach him Foods which can be at any time and then he has decided to do woodworking or photography with one of the boys from Catechism which will be at his house so still just one day of the week.

Anyways off to bed as I have an early one tomorrow with my new hobbie adios amigas y amigos


Have the second soccer game of the week tonight at 6:30.  I really hope that more parents show up with their children!  

On Tuesday's game 8 showed up and 2 and the the 11th hour.  It has been very frustrating and bad for the kids as of course they are going to lose if no players show up!   Parents need to commit as well if they are signing their children up for extra curricular activities.  You do not just stop half way through, as the rest of us who bring our children to the games also may find it an inconvenience to show up as well, but we do!

A little delayed

Here is a longish video of pictures for Kelowna CFH 2012.. more for the fam to look at :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day 3

So my son came home from school last night to inform me he has joined Track & Field at school. I am hoping that there are NO after school commitments. Reason #1 no time #2 Even if it was after school most after school activites end at 4:30 and I work til 5.

On another note. One of his swimming classes he was supposed to go in was full by the time BBS got around to trying to Enroll him.... way to be on the ball... As a result I have Sunday Mornings free now :)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Last night my son and I went to La Salle to sign up for 4-H. I was happy that there was this opportunity was available for my son, since we are living in the city.

My son got there and was all gung-ho to go on cooking aka Exlpore Foods. But, one of his friends from school came and of course they wanted to be in the same thing. After a bit of conviencing we had them believing they should have their own interests and should do what they each wanted to do. So Justin is in cooking and his friend went into Beef. One the way home Justin decided he is going to tell his friend at school that he is mean that he is going to take care of a cow and kill it lol. I really hope he doesn't!!!!

For the club in La Salle there are going to be 28 kids in total. There is going to be a meeting that I will have to attend on Sept 24th at 7pm to "review the year, and have parents volunteer their time and talents".... I may have to become a Leader unless someone else may step up to lead the Explore Foods project. With Justin being in so much this semester I was sort of hoping to have some me time for an hour as I am kind thinking about taking a Distant Ed course with SIAST this year. But if I become a leader I have say of what night it can be and what I have to really think.

Monday, September 10, 2012

So it has started

The new year has started for me and my 9 year old son as of last Thursday with the first soccer practice of the season.  Justin had his first fall game on Saturday at  9:30 in the morning.    I hope his team starts to work together as I am sure they would play better.  The game was  2-7.  

I decided to start to get organized and try to stay that way this school year for my son. 

Soccer is Tue/ Thurs 6:30-7:30
Cathecism Wed 6:30-7:30
Swimming Sat/ Sun 12:45-1:30
Acting Sun 4:00-5:00
4-H - TBD ( Registration is tonight)

With this schedule and it just being me... I am going to have to make sure I do not get lazy.  I am going to... I must start making weekly meal plans, and also cooking ahead and freezing things like soup, chili and pre cooking chicken breasts, so all I have to really get ready are the sides.  This will hopefully elimiate dumb spending on my part, and also keep us a little healthier than having to run to Micky D's or Subway to grab a quick meal.  

The other thing I need to make happen and stick to it is making sure I look in my sons agenda EVERYDAY as I do not want him having to put stuff together last minute, or having me run to the store  first thing before work/school to buy something that he needs for that day as it happened too many times last year.    And  I want to make sure he is sitting down right after school for at least 30 minutes to read/and complete his work, as well as having quite reading time a few times a week. With this schedule I hope his gaming addiction he has goes away!

I am hoping with the 4-H registration tonight the nights for cooking will be good and the Monthly meeting date will fit/work into our schedule.

I am going to try and write this blog to keep myself on track.  I am not sure if it will be weekly or daily.  But I want to make sure  I am going to keep up with my goals and not get off track.